8 healthy travel tips



Yeah…me too. Which is why I turned to my best friend/sister wife/stylist/health guru Carson Love. She’s a personal stylist based out of Nashville who is always cooking up some killer healthy meals and eats more Siete Foods chips than anyone I’ve ever met.

Quick side story: I knew Carson Love would be my best friend when the two of us stayed in instead of going out on a Friday night in college to dress me up as a ghost and scare drunk girls coming back to our dorm Freshman year. Did we just become best friends? YUP!

Anywho… Carson has ALWAYS known what’s up when it comes to eating healthy and staying well. She was shopping for Organic food back when I thought Organic meant low calories… So sister knows a little something about something. So I asked her to write a guest post for Alle Abroad to help you ladies stay healthy and fit when you’re on the road. Plus there’s some good discount codes/free trials up in here so get to reading.

And without further adieu, here’s Carson.


Carson’s 8 tips to keep you healthy while you’re traveling


As I’m sure many of you know, it’s so important to stay hydrated while traveling, especially when you’re flying.

Fun fact: The plane’s filtration system, which keeps the plane’s environment nice and clean, drops the humidity level lower than what we’re normally use to. Low humidity = moisture evaporates from the body more quickly; leaving us with dry skin, red eyes, itchy throats, and an easy target for bacteria and viruses.

To combat this, it’s super important to drink even more water than you do on a normal basis. Of course, the best option is to always carry your own reusable water bottle.  Here’s my favorite one on the market right now (it self sanitizes!!)

On the occasions when I forget my water bottle at home, I always challenge myself to go find and buy the BIGGEST water bottle I can find as soon as I’m through security. I tell myself I have to finish before my flight is over.


Pack your own snacks

This my sound dramatic, but I pretty much avoid buying any sort of food or snacks while at the airport at all costs. I know there’s nothing there that’s better than the snacks I can pack for myself! Even a simple salad at one of those quick places in an airport is packed with hidden sugars, preservatives, and lord knows what else!

When it comes to packing my “snack bag” (which is literally a big Ziploc filled with snacks that I keep in my carry-on), I have a few criteria: the snacks don’t have to be refrigerated, they’re not messy, they’re not really smelly, and of course, very nutritious!

Here’s some of have favorite go-to healthy snacks that I always have on hand:


Pack some teas and collagen

Just like my snack bag, I keep a separate Ziploc in my carry-on that filled with a variety of tea bags, drink mixes, and collagen packets! It may sound a little granny-ish, but having a nice cup of tea while you’re up in the air is really lovely! Just ask the flight attendant for a hot cup of water, and steep away! I like to keep caffeinated (like black and green) and herbal varieties on hand, depending on what time of day the flight is.

Is anyone else of the collagen peptides bandwagon? I’ll save the spiel about all the health benefits for another post (or just give it a google), and share my favorite brand here! I love the Dr. Axe collagen travel packets and I also have a discount code to share with y’all!

Receive 20% you whole order on Ancient Nutrition’s shop page by using the code CARSONMLOVE at checkout!

TMAC20  Workouts

Is anyone else not the biggest fan of those cramped hotel gyms? Or what if you’re staying at an AirBNB?  I’ve found the perfect workout travel buddy- TMAC20 workouts! These workouts are just 20 minutes long, but I promise they kick booty! You can do them right in your hotel room without any props at all. They even include stretching and a bit of meditation at the end, which I really appreciate. I’ve tried a lot of the apps and youtube videos out there, and I really feel like these workouts are designed and formatted so well.

Todd, the creator of TMAC, is giving all of you a 15 day free trail! Click here to start your trial!


Don’t forget essential oils

I love traveling with a couple different essential oils! It’s so nice to have one that’s uplifting or cleansing while on the go, and then one that’s calming and grounding for when we get to sleep. I love to use grapefruit, peppermint or frankincense during the day or while I’m traveling. At night I use lavender to wind down. Oh and you should check out their Ache Away! I use it on my shoulders or back after a long day of exploring!

I usually get my essential oils from Ancient Nutrition. Click here to shop their selection.



Always carry sanitizer, wipes & lotion

It pretty common these days to travel with hand sanitizer, but don’t forget the wipes, as well! The trays on airplanes are the highest traffic areas for germs and bacteria. Also, remember when we talked about how dehydrating planes are? That applies to our skin, as well! I love keeping a travel-sized hand lotion on hand.


Count Your Steps

Whether I’m at an airport or exploring a new destination, walking is always my favorite way to move my body while still seeing the sights. You don’t need to have a fancy watch to count your steps if you have an iPhone- the Health app comes on your phone and tracks them for you. My goal is usually 10,000 per day!


Listen to Good-for-You Podcasts

My last healthy tip could apply to your mental health just as much as your physical health. I love using travel as an opportunity to listen to podcasts that not only educate me about nutrition and wellness, but also inspire me. There’s so many awesome ones out there, but here’s just a handful of my current favorites:


Hey!! It’s Alle again! So, what do you think? You gonna use any of these tips next time you travel? Isn’t Carson the cutest? She really knows what she’s talking about. Side note, you should really check out her website and look into her organizational/styling services. GAME CHANGING!

Okay, bye bye for now!

