15 things to do on Valentine's Day if you're single


So big day today...Valentine’s Day...

Valentine’s Day is one of the few holidays that has two VERY distinct sides. The gushy, in love, shove their relationship in your face side and the single, solo and over the holiday side.  

This year I fall into the latter category. But don’t feel sorry for me. Oh no, this girl over here is V happy to be spending the holiday sans roses, chocolates, and dinner with 1 million other couples. In fact, do you want to know how I’m spending my day? I’ll be doing my taxes with my accountant and following that up with a travel conference which I will attend with my mother and her biz partner Nancy (hey Nancy Pants!). If those aren’t the sexiest V-Day plans idk what are!

But here’s the thing people, I’m sure this day brings up a lot of different emotions for everyone. Especially the single crowd. That’s why it’s dubbed “Single Awareness Day” lol.  And while some, like myself, might be THRILLED to be single right now, others might find today kinda tough or merely a reminder that the 32 Hinge dates they went on last month might have got them nowhere...

So to ALL MA SINGLE LADIES OUT THERE - I’ve got a list of all the fun ways you can spend this holiday without BAE. Because honestly, what’s the point of a Hallmark holiday if you don’t a gift?

TREAT YO SELF with one (or more) of the options below.


15 ways to spend Valentines Day ALONE or with your GAL PALS

  • Personally deliver a Valentine’s Day gift to a gal pal you love. Little gestures like that really make people’s day. So...who’s giving me one??? Lol JK. Kinda…

  • Play with your cat for a solid hour. Because honestly, it’s the most stable relationship in your life right now and you should show Mr. Snuggles some love.

  • Buy yourself flowers because you don’t need someone else to buy them for you. IF YOU WANT THE ROSES BUY THEM!

  • Order a really over the top take out order. I’m talking an appetizer sampler, main course and a carton of Halo Top. GO ALLLL IN.

  • Go out to dinner with all your girlfriends and eavesdrop on all the dates going on around you. This might even be a great drinking game idea… Take a drink every time you see someone holding hands, take a shot when you see someone kiss, and if (God forbid) anyone gets engaged you have to take your top off or something. IDK I’m just spitballing.

  • Buy yourself something cute and cozy. Not sure what to get? Check out some of these little cuties below. I really think I’m gonna order this Bauble Bar bracelet set & this super cozy robe that’s on sale today. OOO and I also want to try these new Sugarfina Cereal Chocolate Bars because that just sounds crazy sinful.

  • Light all the scented candles you own (unless the scents will all compete then maybe be more selective) and take a LONGGGGGGG bubble bath. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever done that and I’m pretty sure I’m really missing out…

  • Open a really nice bottle of red wine (or ten) and invite all your single gal pals over and have a Netflix and Chill party where you really watch Netflix and Chill

  • Go out dancing. Because honestly, we don’t do that enough this day and age. Woah…I just sounded 10,000 years old right there lol.

  • Put your PJs on immediately when you get home from work and binge your favorite show. My favorites are Gilmore Girls, Sex in the City, Game of Thrones & Girls

  • Go on Instagram and mute all the accounts that annoy you or give you negative vibes. This will feel soooo cathartic and will probably take you all night.

  • Call all the people in your life that you love and tell them that. Because this day isn’t just about loving your significant other (if you have one), it’s about spreading love to everyone! IDK if that’s true, kinda just made that up cause it sounded nice.

  • Binge watch Outlander because if you’re going to spend the day with any man, Jamie Fraser will always be my first choice.

  • Write down 10 things that are awesome about your life right now. Hopefully, it will remind you that being in a relationship isn’t essential to your already SUPER COOL life.

  • And if all else fails, watch the trifecta: Titanic, the Notebook & Breakfast at Tiffany’s


Welp...there you have it ladies! I’ll leave you with this. No matter where you are with your relationship status, make sure you are fully in love with yourself first. Once you’ve fallen in love with YOU, you can start adding in others. And maybe avoid the deep insta scroll today if that’s something that might trigger you. Just sit this day out and come back strong tomorrow.

Alright, Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!! Oh and if you’re married, in a relationship or dating, please don’t think I’m hatin’ I’m happy you’ve found your lobster!

